Hi There,
I wanted to one day add a sound file to this blog but never got around to it. The other day I saw a video presentation on another artists site and decided to look into it. After a few Google searches I had the info I needed to give it a try.
Now, this isn't exactly a video, it's a ppresentation of various art works of mine plus a cool sounding music track. The music track was made by my old school friend, Richard Ishida, recording his bass, keyboards, guitars and some percussion parts. He then sent the files to me in an email and I recorded myself here playing the drum track. I then sent all the files (music tracks) back to him and he did the final mixing...the result is the song "Simone Ramone".
Cool, I just checked to see how it works and it works pretty dang good! The images are just off a bit and a couple are not that swift on my monitor...could be the low bit rate you have to use for uploading a video...this is required by the hosting site. It only maybe less than a minute to load to see so give it a try and let me know what you think.
A site dedicated to a continued effort to create and share my art. I create pen & ink drawings using mainly the stippling technique. I also paint in oils and am influenced by the California Impressionist school of painting.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Backyard Plein Air
Off Greenfield Oak
6"x8" Oil on Ray Mar Panel
It was a nice warm day yesterday so I headed out in the backyard and tried another Plein Air piece. I wanted to put emphasis on this tree in the distance but I think I wnt a little too large with it. Still, the main part of doing these plein air pices right now is just to learn how to finish a painting in one sitting without taking too long so in that repsect it worked....thid was done in a little over an hours time.
This is on Ray Mar panel which are very cool panels. For some strange reason my blues seem to be toned down a bit on these...more testing to follow.
Here you can see the view and the blue box shows the area I decided to paint...
A painting buddy showed up to help me out and keep an eye on my progress...
Pampas Grass
Pampas Grass
12"x16" Oil on Masonite Panel
This is a scene of the pampas grass that lines my driveway. The plumes of this grass are always catching the sunlight and when the wind is blowing their plumes are like the feathers blowing in the wind. I've been wanting to paint them for a long time now and right before Christmas I did. I like masonite panel because it gives the painting this nice texture that you don't get with canvas.
Painting plants allows a lot of freedom to do as you please which is nice. Also, the painting was done over a tinted ground which was rubbed on with a paper towel...I then painted over this with a brush putting in the details.
A detail of the painting....
That Big Brown Oak Tree.....
Alamo Pintado Oak
12"x16" Oil on Ray Mar Panel
This oak was covered in a moss we get where I live and gave it'd color a brownish/grey green. It caught my attention so I tried painting it. Not much to say about it except it is a cool looking tree to paint. I like messing with trees to see the various textures and shadows I can come up with.
A Detail of the texture on this tree.....