And the fnished piece. I probably spent about less than an hour actually painting it but it was spread out talking and eating lunch. A little 6"x8" Oil on Ray Mar panel.

A site dedicated to a continued effort to create and share my art. I create pen & ink drawings using mainly the stippling technique. I also paint in oils and am influenced by the California Impressionist school of painting.
And the fnished piece. I probably spent about less than an hour actually painting it but it was spread out talking and eating lunch. A little 6"x8" Oil on Ray Mar panel.
"Central Coast Skies"
Anyway, lots of sky here and a nice wide view of the Central Coast near Nipomo, Califronia. Fields a plenty!
Now I darken my original mixture with more Alizarin and UBlue (SAVING MY BLOB for later)
We now paint in the darks of the clouds and get happy because we are almost to the blending stage....
Some areas are lightly painted in to create the shapes of the upper cloud areas...gives it that billowy-puffy look called "Shape" in art lingo.
Step 4...Now we get out a fan brush and begin blending. Just sweep your fan in an X pattern brushing once across the canvas and then the opposite direction across the canvas...do this till the edges blend. If some of the edges don't blend easily dab in some of the Saved Mixture of lighter pink to the edge and fan again in that spot....that's why you save some of this mixture. Fan until it looks COOL! You will have to be the judge of what looks cool to you but you'll find it. I have faith in you. Here is my version of cool....A detail of the blended version....
Step 5... I basically finish the painting, the ground area to let the sky have tme to set up a bit. The last thing I do is go back into the sky area and add some darker wisps of clouds over the rest to give the clouds a more 3 dimensional look to it. Just dab some random dark paint and then blend lightly.
Here is my finished painting with the ground area completed.....
That's basically it....stay loose, play with blending until you like your results...if it goes bad just add more paint the the areas you blended too much and blend again. If you don't have a fan brush go get one...wipe it off as you blend in different ares that are critical of color...you don't want to start blending a white highlighted area with a fan brush still loaded with your darks on the brush.
Good luck with your clouds and have fun making them!
Part of the Morro Bay Gallery