Thursday, March 06, 2008

Oil Spill

"Oil Spill Training"
16"x20" Pen & Ink - Stippling
First off, I apologise for the terrible photo of this drawing. My scanner is once again on the blink and a photo of a drawing in stippled ink is hard to get right. This drawing of a Coast Guard cutter was submitted by me for jurying into the CG collection in December and got in. Jurying was done by the Salmagundi Art Club in NY. I've already mailed it off so no chance of a decent scan now.

I wish I had allowed myself more time to do this drawing. I had to rush on it and completed it in about 4 days. I should have done it at 11"x14" but being insane I went with 16"X20". Lots of dark fill work and the hull took forever! I'm really proud it got into the collection and hope they don't file it in some dark warehouse now that they own it.


  1. Great work (as always), Ron. Why are you holding out on us over at

  2. Hi Dan,
    Not holding out at all. I did a scan but it was a terrible scan of this piece. I had to get the drawing off in the mail and had no time to get my scanner working right so this is the only scan I have of this...and it sucks. I wanted to put it on the P&I forum but it looks so bad I decided not to do it.
    I'm sick of this scanner. I have got to buy one made after we moved into 2000.
    Thanks Dan....I'll do a new piece and get a better scanner before then and post.
