Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Carrizo Wash

I used this particular color scheme on one of my earlier paintings and liked it. Something about the white sandy wash against the olive greens of the desert plants that I like. I decided to do another painting but on a smaller 8" x 10" format. I had a couple of masonite panels laying around in that size so off I went. I'm not sure if I'll stop on this one yet or not...I like it as it is but might opt to add more flowers, maybe. We had 2 daughters both graduating this last week so I didn't get any painting done and this was my painting to get back into the swing of things. Took a little longer than normal, 2 days of on and off painting. I don't like to skip painting for any length of time because it takes me a while to get back into the groove.

"Carrizo Wash"

8" x 10" Oil on panel


  1. I like this as it is. Increasing the number of flowers could unbalance the piece, so my view would be leave it alone. The colour is harmonious and once again you lead the viewer directly into your picture with your composition.

  2. Hi Mick,
    Very good point. I like the balance and overall palette. Adding the flowers would change that a bit too....not much but to some degree anyway.
    Thanks for the input's very much appreciated!
