Monday, November 23, 2009

Studio Tour 2009

Paintings on display at the entrance to the studio.

Artist Studio Tour 2009
Well, it has come and gone! A weekend of putting the studio and my work on display for those interested in art, artists confines and the info an artist cares to share with them. Preparation for this began way back in Spring as I began to paint specifially for this show which comes every November. Overall, I think I painted some really good pieces, desert scenes from the Carrizo Plain and Mojave desert, some additional nocturnes and some large Central Coast scenes. The studio looked great, the work looked great, framing was working and I was ready. Maybe I should have spent more time on preparing myself for the low sales this last year has produced.
The National and State economy are keeping patrons from enjoying art purchases. I knew this going into the show but maybe didn't expect it to be so severe this year. I have always done well in this show with each one being more succesful than the previous year. This year I was down more than 75% in sales. I actually shouldn't feel so bad as many artists on the tour had no sales at all. Not a good year. I could write much more on this but that is going to get totally negative and won't solve a bet! Still painting though.
Here are some pics I took just before the show started on Saturday morning.
Normally the drying wall, paintings were framed and ready for public viewing in the studio

My easels used for plein air painting in the studio.
I got some really nice comments and signatures in the old guestbook. Copies of my book were available and sales made of that.


  1. The layout and display looks great, I'd have loved to see it in the flesh. Sorry that sales were down but on the positive side when the economic conditions improve you will have a bank of high quality stock ready for the market.

  2. Hi Mick,
    That's something I thought about way back in November/December. We predicted slow sales and a weakening economy so I would concentrate on learning and creating. I am so going to be ready once the flood gates begin to open again, hahahaha.
    Wish you could have been here Mick. In the two days we get to talk with the people who come and hear some really good things. Lots of fun.

  3. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Everything looks great and well presented. Sales will turn around...they always do.
    I sold a watercolour/gouache poppy painting yesterday....and I don't generally paint flowers! you never know what a patron might be in the market for. Love the touch with your are sales going with there much profit margin or is it more a promotional thing?
    Maggie L

  4. Hi Maggie,
    Thanks for the comments Maggie. I'm sure things will change too. The book is more for promotion. It is nice though to have one laying around in the living room to show friends your work without having to drag them into the studio or take with you to show someone away from your studio without having to find a computer. We sold 3 at the studio tour which was nice. 2 more at another show and a couple online even though I'm not really going gangbuster promoting it.

    Profit wise you would probably have to go with the normal publishing route since these are print on demand and naturally cost more per book. Painting pays much better, hahaha.

  5. Anonymous7:43 PM

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