Monday, December 14, 2009

Before Sunset

"Before Sunset"
9" X 12" Oil on panel
This painting was finished and left to dry before glazing a final layer of light orange tint. This process is something I have recently been toying with to achieve an overall color to the painting. I've done a few other paintings I had drying with a light Indian Yellow tint and it worked great. I'm now tempted to try it with a light pink tone using Alizarin Crimson and Titanium White. When sales are slow....experiment! Hahaha.
A couple of details of the painting....


  1. The technique certainly creates a lovely glow.

  2. Hi Mick,
    I saw the work of another artist who I thought was using this type of technique...made sense to me so I tried it on a less the wonderful painting and it made the painting much better. I then used it on 4 or 5 other paintings that were done drying and it really enhanced them. I took another look at the other artists work again and realized he wasn't using this technique at all. One of those happy mistakes I guess. I like the look and feel of this method. Thanks Mick.

  3. Anonymous7:41 PM

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