Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Nocturne Verde

" Nocturne Verde"
6" X 8" Oil on panel
The title sounds like something you would order at a Mexican restaraunt. This is another painting done with that eerie green glow that the night is sometimes portrayed with by artists. Done for variation in the studio....I like the color and the change of doing nocturnes with my usual dark mix of Ublue, Acrimson and Twhite. Variety as they say is the spice of life. Ever since seeing this color back at the nocturne show in Los Olivos I've wanted to mess with it and so that's why green...I like it. I'm going to try a reddish tone soon (Nocturne Rojo!). I've seen that used a few times too so it would be cool to try that variation. By the way....that yellow area near the moon is barely perceptable on the actual painting. It stands out like a sore thumb here because my camera snags that color up like it was whipped cream. I tried to edit it down but I lose too much of the other colors up there when I do that so imagine that yellow much less than you see here....yes, you have to do some of the work on this Blog.


  1. Hi Ron..

    I so enjoyed talking with you yesterday at the take in. You are just doing such fabulous work.... AND you're such fun to talk with that I enjoy it each time. Too bad (for me) we don't live closer or I'd probably follow you around to watch you paint all of the time...

    Be well... see you "next time!"

  2. Hi Marian,
    No really are doing some nice work. I was really happy to see that your work was juried into the CAC show. I was looking over the work in the show and they had some really good stuff in this one....and it's always good to see you Marian. Great going!

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Ron, I keep coming back to this one, and at first did not like the green too much....but it is growing on me (lol)...
    Maggie L

  4. Hi Ron- its unusual with the green. Subtle enough to get away with though! As you say variety helps us artists develop


  5. Hi Maggie - Yep, it's like that. The first time I saw green used at night was actually in a scene of a stormy ocean in an old Walter Foster book I had. They had versions in blues and they seemed natural but after looking at that green version I started to love it.

    Hi Ryan - Changing things around, trying new things...these really do open your eyes and add something new to your work. I was at a gallery thislast weekend and one of the painters there had 4 or 5 paintings. Each one had the same basic landscape type scene, same mixed colors and same type of lighting. Great paintings but it got boring really quick.

    I like to choose subjects and colors/lighting with the idea in mind that maybe one day I would do a featured artist show (which I have a few times) or one man show and I don't want people being bored with the same type paintings. Meadows, forests, streetscenes, ocean, valleys, day, night, cloudy etc.....ya have to mix it up.

  6. aways enjoy the nocterns Ron! Hope yopu are well.

  7. Hi Bill,
    Thanks for popping in and seeing whats up. You know I really like painting those nocturnes. I'm doing ok given the economy fun lately....Way to go over there in the AZ paint out. Sedona is cool and Jerome looked like it was freezing! hahaha. Good bunch of painters you were hanging out with.

  8. Anonymous7:42 PM

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