Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Moment

"A Moment"
5x7 Oil on panel

Another painting on the trial run of prepared boards. I wondered what it would like to paint on a surface full of ridges caused by the acrylic gel but it was really no different than painting on a board with just layers of gesso. The textures from the acrylic gel are not really that thick to begin with. Once the oil paint is on there the texture really shows up well though. I think it adds an interesting look to the overall painting.


  1. Interesting...
    I was going to ask you what you had done to create the texture on the painting... but then I read your post.

    I've seen a lot of paintings done this way lately... hmmmmm.

    I like paintings on boards, but I think I prefer less texture from the acrylic gel.... How about you?

  2. Hi Marian,
    I'm adding the texture just as a matter of trying it out to see how I like it. I've been watching people do it for years now, especially plein air painters. I've always liked the added interest and look from this texture but I have to admit it takes a bit of getting used to when you see your own work painted over that texture.

    Also, I'm experimenting with just how much texture to use. I will try shorter strokes and variously placed strokes on upcoming boards. I just cut a huge batch of boards but only prepared a handful to try it out. Some boards are just gesso too so I'll still be painting that way and I will also continue to paint on canvas covered personal favorite to paint on.
