Thursday, September 01, 2011

Galerie Gabrie Featured Artist

Featured Artist September, Galerie Gabrie

Last Friday I took the last of the large paintings down to Galerie Gabrie to be hung for the Featured Artist show for the month of September. It was hot down in Pasadena and the air conditioner isn’t working in the truck, one of my paintings got scratched so back to my studio it went. It wasn’t a great day so far. By the time I got to the gallery things started to change. I luckily was able to park right in front of the gallery to unload thanks to a car that had just pulled out…bonus! I ended up having a very good talk with my gallery owner, Jasminka Gabrie, and I began to feel pretty positive about how the month of August had gone. I had just finished doing the Quick Draw show in Los Olivos, which was my first time in that show, and my painting in the auction brought the highest bid. Another painting of mine in a Silent auction also sold. The day after that show I got an email from a client interested in one of my larger paintings. The painting was already down at Galerie Gabrie for my Featured Artist show. She said she would be in Pasadena towards the end of September and would go see the painting then. On my drive home I was feeling much better about how things were going.
  Jasminka, myself and Linda at the Los Olivos Quick Draw event.

On Saturday I returned to the gallery to drop off one more painting I had and looked forward to seeing the gallery since this is the day they would hang my work for the show. Turns out the client I spoke of was waiting for them to open and walked in to buy the painting before it could have been sold during the show. You have to be an artist to know how it really feels to sell a painting before it is even hung for a show. Artists usually work thousands of hours alone. The endless solitary time spent painting gives them enough thoughts, hopes and doubts, to fill up the back of a truck. The people who purchase your work are those who carry the message to you that you are, in fact, on the right path….they bring the answers to that truckload of thoughts, hopes and doubts. The drive home that day was even better than the one before regardless of the heat.
             If you are close to Pasadena, California please try and make it over to Galerie Gabrie anytime in the month of September. Jasminka will be happy to show you my work and she’s always fun to talk with.

               Galerie Gabrie, 597 E. Green St. Pasadena, CA. Phone 626-577-1223
Tuesday through Saturday 12:00 to 5:00 PM
Photos of the show were sent to me by Jasminka Gabrie.


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

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  2. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Ron, I'm so happy for you, and your work looks great. Best of luck to you.

  3. Hi Maggie,
    Thanks so much for the nice thoughts Maggie. You're a peach! We're hoping for the best this month and off to a good start. Thanks!!

  4. WOW, Ron!! That is fabulous news!! Congratulations.

    I am hoping I can go by the gallery this month. Always love to see your work in person.

  5. Everything looks fabulous! Congratulations on the show, and the Los Olivos event too. I hope the scratch wasn't too bad, ouch. I was thinking that it's a good thing it isn't a watercolor!
    It's true about all those hours alone in the studio, I have started participating in "paint outs" when I can. It's nice to be out somewhere with other artists painting. I learn a lot from seeing all the others works too.

  6. Hi Marian....Thanks! Hey, that would be very cool if you stopped by there to see the work in person. I'm used to seeing them here but you know what gallery lighting does for ones work. Hope you can check it out.

    Hi Dianne - Thanks too. I've lugged a lot of paintings around and this is the first time one was damaged. A long thin scratch, about 16 inches but I was able to fix it in about 5 minutes once I got it back to the studio.
    Even just painting with others is good. Heck, even just talking with other artists is good. It's nice knowing we share so many similarities of being an artist. I've talked with some artists who were kind of up there and amazed they had similar thoughts going on in their heads as well. Most of us are probably thinking the same.

  7. Ooh, great week for you!! What a nice gallery, your work looks beautiful there. Way to go, Ron, keep it up! :)

  8. Thanks Christine. Just about to start another painting so yep, keeping it up. Was up last night till 2 going through reference photos and tinkering with ideas...had to go through my canvas and ended up updating my inventory. Now to decide on a size and get to painting.

  9. Ron - Seeing your paintings on your blog is always a treat - but seeing them in a gallery setting, framed and hanging on walls gives your work a completely different look - quite grand in fact. I wish we were closer to California so that I could see them in person. Congratulations on the show and the pre-show sale! No doubt you'll enjoy many more throughout the show.

  10. Thanks Celeste...I'm always amazed at how different paintings look once you frame them. I agree, they look even better in a gallery setting with good lighting. I'm hoping for the best throughout the rest of the show. Things are kind of slow but we'll see what happens.
