Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Evening Prelude"
22" X 28" Oil on Canvas

Whenever I drive back from Santa Barbara to Solvang I have to cross over the Santa Ynez mountains. This scene is a familiar sight whe driving up towards San Marcos Pass. I caight it not long ago in afternoon light and worked from a reference photo to come up with this painting. I loved the light hitting that ridge line giving it that pale apperance and the strong contrasting colors in the foreground hillsides along the edge of the road. Stuff like that really grabs my eye.
Here is a detail of the painting....


  1. Sue Comtois9:40 AM

    This one's another beautiful painting. It's positively arresting. I like it for the same reasons that you mention it attracted you to paint it. You did a great job of translating your feeling about the scene into paint.

  2. Hi Sue,
    I've come around the corner of that road and seen this hillside lit up like that and really like that spot on the drive. I'm glad I finally got around to painting it. There are other nice spots up there too that I want to do also. Thanks for the very nice comments Sue!

  3. ron,
    is this the piece we spoke of recently? i like it!

  4. Hi Bill,
    Yep, finally got to the point that it was postable, haha. I like it but plan to do a few more like these to get better at them.
    Thanks Bill.
