Sunday, February 17, 2013

Eaton Canyon Sycamore Painting in Frame

"Eaton Canyon Fall"
20" X 24" Oil on Canvas

Eaton Canyon Painting Preview

Framing a painting before it is ready because you just can't wait to see it all framed up.

This painting isn't completely dry nor is it varnished yet. Everytime I walk into the studio though there it sits leaning against my bookcase drying away and waiting to be varnished and framed. It is one of those paintings that for some strange reason grows on you...well ok, on me. Of all of my sycamore paintings so far this painting I feel has the best work on the trunk. Each time I look at it I like it more and more.. It's becoming an old friend. I just had to see what it would look like once it's framed so I took one of the same size down from my living room and popped this one in it. Ahhhhh! If I was buying my art this is the one I'd buy, hahaha. Of course, artists see paintings differently...the small achievements, the failure....they know the work put into it and the goal to begin with. Only the artist knows how close they have come to their goal with each piece. We just see our paintings in very different ways than the public does. This one is my favorite for now. All of those moons and stars lined up just right and bam, it was done. Looks really cool in the frame and it going to look killer once it is varnished.


  1. Sue Comtois5:47 AM

    Wow! That is gorgeous!

  2. Thanks a lot Sue for checking it out! Tha painting really looks cool in this frame. Now comes the job of getting it out where people can see it!
