Thursday, April 18, 2013

Santa Maria Path

"Santa Maria Path"
16"x20" Oil on Canvas
I got the idea for painting this scene when I had to go up to Santa Maria for a physical. I'd been there before and know that the clinic is right across the way from the Santa Maria airport. There are wide expanses of fields there with large eucalyptus trees. This scene here is looking away from the parking lot of the air museum there. There is a road that crosses where the path winds into the distance behind the foreground trees but I left it out since it doesn't add to the scene, just crosses the field back there. I liked this scene for the strong contrast between the distant trees and the foreground trees. This painting was done alla prima which means in one sitting. Really fun painting.
A detail of the tree in the foreground......


  1. That has a lovely, dreamy quality, very peaceful.

  2. A typical Ron picture, beautifully executed. Gorgeous detail.

  3. Hi Dianne,
    Thanks for the kind words. I like the painting. I think I was trying to give it a boost of atmosphere and work in some brighter colors. Works for me.

    Hi Mick,
    Yeah, it does look like the many pictures of the central coast I've painted. I've painted more than a few out of my head and people recognise the similarity to actual locations so the constant view has worked itself into my paintings. Thanks Mick.
