Saturday, April 06, 2013

Shared Visions Show Reception

Sometimes a show reception can just go bad from the beginning! Well, not really the show reception. The show reception down in Santa Barbara was beautiful. It was held on Santa Barbara's First Thursday Art Night so that meant a lot of people would be coming to the gallery...and they did. The Divine Inspirations gallery was pretty much packed all night. As you can from above I took my camera to take a few pics but most of the shots are horrible because there were just too many people to shoot a good pic. No, what went wrong was with me.
On monday morning after hanging the show I was driving back home and could feel myself coming down with a cold. By tuesday I had chest and sinus conjestion. I wanted to cancel going to the show but it was our groups first time showing together and I was also commited to delivering a painting I had sold to a couple back in September who were going to the show. I felt horrible. When Linda and I got home I had a 103 degree temperature.
The couple showed up to take their painting. I love that painting, a desert painting I did back in August on 1x3 ft luan panel. I called it the "Song of the High Desert" since it captures the dusk lighting in California's Mojave desert not far from Lancaster and near the foothills of the San Gabriels. I was happy to finally get that painting to it's new owners. I received a wonderful email this morning about it from them so it was worth the trip and misery of being sick. The show was great and our group received lots of great compliments. I ran into artist Dan Schultz who is one of the artists from my gallery in Pasadena, Galerie Gabrie. His wife and their son were out enjoying First Thursday. It was good to see Dan again.
        "Song Of The High Desert"


  1. Hope you got over your infection. Show looks good and that picture looks great in the frame. Love it.

  2. Hi Mick,
    Slept all day yesterday. I think it is on it's way out the door...hopefully! The gallery has nice lighting and the paintings looked great at too but night really makes them stand out. Wish you could have been there buddy.

  3. Hi Ron, I'm soooo sorry I wasn't able to make it, I really wanted to see you! I hope you're feeling better today. Congratulations on the sale, it's a beautiful painting, lucky owners!

  4. Hi Christine,
    It was a good show, great looking paintings and it's a great looking gallery. Yeah, I was pretty sick and so that part of it was kind of miserable. One of these days we'll bump into each other I'm sure.
