Sunday, October 06, 2013

Moonstone Beach Boardwalk

"Moonstone Beach Boardwalk"
16" X 20 Oil on Canvas

This one is just about finished. I saw this great scene while on a visit to Cambria. There is a boardwalk they have built there and this painting came from one of my reference photos. I only had about an hour to be in Cambria so I snapped shots as fast as I could. It gets cold up there and my lens was getting fogged up once outside for long. Great place to be though and one of these days I'm going to go up and stay overnight.

This photo of the painting isn't as good as I wish. My camera always picks up certain colors. On this one it decided to pick up the bright reds...they really are not bright at all on the painting. They are more subdued but in this photo they get overemphasized. The water came out great I think. The photo doesn't really show that well but on the painting it looks really good. There are subtle shifts in the blues of the shallow water and the water heading out to sea. Also, the distant water has these nice bits of white caps you can't make out here. It seems anything larger than 16x20 tends to not work as well with my camera. Of course, it is only 6 megapixels so one day a larger megapixel camera will be in order.  

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