Saturday, November 02, 2013

Resurgence & Ecologist

    I've received my copy of the November/December 2013 issue #281 of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. This magazine is an English publication that covers ecology, social justice, activism, arts and ethical living. I was approached by the magazine to use an image of one of my paintings to go along with a story written titled "Urban Zoology" by freelance writer Mary Ann Lieser. Mrs. Lieser's story of wildlife seen on her pre-dawn 5 mile walks had won a 2013 Nature Writing contest by the magazine. In the story Lieser describes encounters with grazing deer along her urban Ohio environment so my painting seemed appropriate.
    I stopped my truck to take the reference photo of that deer crossing the road. He froze and just watched me take the photo. Around that turn behind him is Hwy 154 heading into Santa Barbara. We have deer everywhere where I live. They walk into our yard and eat the leaves off of our apple trees, roses, asian pear tree and apricot trees. One time when putting the trash out after dinner I heard this clacking sound and one was hopping (prancing) up our street in front of our driveway. Another time I walked out of the door to the studio and 2 deer stood 6 feet away from me in the driveway. They darted away and I almost fell backward into the door not realising they were deer and not Big Foot...hey, it was almost dark. If you ever get a good look at a deers legs you wouldn't believe how something so thin can lift that animal over a 6 foot fence in a single hop. They really are amazing animals.
Thank you Emma Cocker and the rest at Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine...and nice story Mary Ann Lieser.       


  1. This is great Ron. Nothing like branching out a little bit. I hope this opens up more revenue; other mag/book illustration. In north Metro Detroit we get a lot of wildlife too, red fox, deer, makes life interesting. I would love to get some illustrating opportunities; that's what I use to do before the great recession. That would be interesting; verity is spice sorta thing. I'm trying fine art screen printing right now.

  2. Thanks Chris,
    I'm not sure if this would open anything but you never know how things work. I was'nt looking into this when the opportunity happened so that's a good example of how things pop up when you least expect it. We've got lots of wildlife here too since we live outside of town in the hillsides above Solvang....deer, squirells, possums, mountain lions, raccoons, hawks, buzzards, skinks, cranes. It's always interesting Chris, haha.
