Friday, June 06, 2014

Elverhoj Show

Art From The Groves
I have a couple of paintings that were juried into the Elverhoj Museum of History & Art here in Solvang, CA. I feel pretty good about that because getting into any show is good. I know many of the artists in the show so it will be nice to be together and talk shop. One of my paintings is a studio piece and the other is a plein air piece done last Winter along the olive groves below the mission.
Sales have been practically non existant for me in this economy, and yes, the economy still sucks, so the occasional show is something to look forward to. I like's fun to see your peers and meet new painters....see the talent out there. Shows are good for inspiration. As a person it is great to see really fantastic art but as an artist it really inspires you to do better work. I've always been honest about my work and when I see something else painted better it makes me want to paint better so shows are a good way to push your(my)self.

Teaching yourself to paint....I hate that term because nobody really teaches themselves to paint. Books, the internet, art teachers, seeing other painters all effects us even if some of us want people to think they were some naturally gifted miracle that discovered painting all alone. Baloney. If you want to learn to paint you turn into a sponge and soak everydrop of inspiration in no matter where it comes from. Thanks to nature what you take in will become your own vision and have your own look unless you're trying to go after some other artists style and you don't want to do that. Be who you are....even in art.

Anyway, if you are around Solvang on June 14 between 4-6 pm come by the show reception. The rest of the show runs June 14 - September 28, 2014. The Elverhoj is located at 1624 Elverhoy Way in beautiful down town Solvang, the land of Danish bakeries and wine tasting rooms !    


  1. I agree about the "Teaching yourself to Paint" comments. I've always hated the term "Self-taught". I suppose there is the rare artist that really is "self-taught" but like you said most of us learn through others even if it's indirectly via books, videos and internet forums.

    I wish I could be in the area, I'd love to see your paintings in person.

  2. Hi David,
    Wish you could make it to the show too. It's always fun to see the actual work of someone you know. As for learning, I have learned so much just from observing and seeing how other painters handled various concepts, colors, light, or the elements we find in most paintings.
    I think it is all just handed down from one painter to another. I also think the only thing that sets a painter apart is how he forges that knowledge into his own work to have his own distinct look.
    Thanks for posting David....always good to hear from you.

  3. Well said, Ron.

    I agree with it all. As a "self- taught" artist, I have absorbed what I could from those who's works have moved and motivated me (still do), and given as much of a personal vision to it as I could.

    Having said that, I often wish I'd undergone a classical training early so as to allow me to express that personal vision more easily. It would still mean that I was influenced by other artists' works, but I would not have had to struggle quite as much technically.

    I hope you have a great evening at the show and, hopefully, sell both pieces!

    Sincerely, Bill

  4. Well done my friend !

  5. Hi Bill,
    Thanks a lot for checking out the painting and your thoughts too. Yep, "self Taught" always seems to pop up in conversations but it probably should be replaced with "learned a lot from books and looking"'s just longer, haha.

    I too wish I had taken far more classes than I did way back would have made some things so much easier along the way. The show if anything should be fun...there are a lot of good paintings in it so it will be nice to see all of that...sales??? Surely you jest:)
    Thanks Bill.

  6. Thank you very much Antonio for the good words!!


  7. Maybe "self taught" should be replaced with "no formal training"?
    Will return to scour your site later. :)
