Here is a pic of nipomo today with the same eucalyptus trees in the background...as you can see this area hasn't changed much....
These eucalyptus trees provided shade and a place to camp while working the farm fields of Nipomo. From this shot below you can see some of the pea pickers with the hills of nipomo directly behind them. At the time Dorothea Lange stopped it was because she had saw a sign that read "Pea Pickers Camp".
Anyway....I like history, especially local history! My grandma & grandpa broke horses and picked pecans during the Depression in Oklahoma and Texas. They met at a dance on a saturday night for the pickers...That was a tough bunch of people who made it through that. Next time you sit down to have a fancy coffee drink at Starbucks just think about what some of those people went through....just to survive.
What a wonderful post. I'm a great fan of the Lange photographs but the highlight for me is the stunning impact of your painting. The wider value range than you usually deploy and those sumptuous darks make this jump off the page. Love it Ron.
Hi Mick,
I'm not that schooled in photography and very surprised you had heard of Lange....showing my ignorance here....just a lot. My research led me to this photo and many of of the others she took. The fact that this photo was taken up the road from me...about 30 minutes drive, really grabbed my attention.
I have driven past these trees as they are right off the freeway and never once thought about migrant workers from the Depression being out in that beautiful valley in the hot sun or during the cold winds earning what they could. I can't imagine how a nation could have gone through the Depression....what that must have done to families.
Thanks for the comments on the painting Mick...It went really fast and fell together so maybe the inspiration was behind all of that. Thanks buddy!
Oh WOW Ron!!!!!!!!! I think you've outdone yourself with this one! This is a stunning painting, my new favorite of yours! Keep up the great work!!
Hi Teresa,
Thanks for the nice comments Teresa. I'm glad this one came out like it did. I took way too much time trying to come up with an idea of what to paint so I'm glad it ended with this. Thanks Teresa.
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