inside the gallery....
Thanks to our sagging...no, demolished economy there have been little art sales lately. Can't do anything about that except paint better while the sales are slumping so when they come back I'll be ready with new work. I don't know why it is but going to any gallery always gets me charged up to do newer, better work....everytime! Sometimes it is because you see someone elses work that inspires you...sometimes it is just seeing your work in there and thinking to yourself I can do better....I will do better. In my situtation it is usually either of these two reasons 50% of the time.

3 of my pieces on the right side...
There are 2 other artist friends from my Guild in there also. I love going in there to see their work under the lights in a gallery environment too. Both very good artists and I'm really proud to be in there with them. Lets hope that galleries across the nation can manage to hang in there despite the lack of sales. Artists are doing what they can to hang in there too and it's getting really interesting.....