Sunday, February 20, 2011

California Landscape Painting

"California Spring Landscape"
12" X 16" Oil on Canvas
We've had rain for the last two days which I imagine has given me the inspiration to finally finish up this painting. I had started it before the new year arrvied but lost the inspiration to give it a good finish due to other things going on. Eventually it sat leaned against a wall drying and making me feel guilty for not finishing it every time I saw it. With the rain here I decided it was as good a time as any to finish up. Now the only guilt I have is in letting it sit for so long driving me crazy. Some paintings are after your soul.
No specific location for this one, it is just a typical scene of what the area looks like along the central coast of California. Oaks dominate the landscape of rolling hillsides and in spring the wildflowers will carpet the grass lined valleys.


J. Kevin James said...

Wow! Fantastic! Absolutely love the depth of this painting and those warm greens. I really have to admire the handling of those trees, too!

Unknown said...

You really are the master of translating this type of landscape into lovely images.

Ron Guthrie said...

Hi Kevin...thanks for taking a look and the time to post on my painting. I appreciate it. Love the story of the electric cat on your Ranch blog, too funny. Good work on your art blog too Kevin.

Hi Mick...somehow I managed to come up with a decent finish. This was so bland before...maybe that's why I stopped on it....I can't remember why I lost interest back then. Thanks a lot Mick.

Xochi said...

Love this one Ron . . maybe the flowers had to wait for the rain? You do such an AWESOME job of painting the CA countryside . . it makes me home sick but HAPPY at the same time. I can feel myself walking down the path with the breeze on my face.
Thanks for sharing!

Ron Guthrie said...

Hi Xochi,
Well we've had enough rain to get them puppies to grow this year, hahaha. They spiced the painting up and at the same time allow me to use them for adding interest and additional detail in the foreground...and if you look close you can see that they were great for adding to the aerial perspective. Thanks Xochi for the good words!