This has become yet another painting in what has practically become a series of paintings from imagination. I think lately I have been doing every other painting from imagination. Makes sense, you learn to draw things with a pencil from looking at them. Then, you begin to draw things from memory. Most people can remember what something looks like, a particular sunset at the beach or the view out of the car window when driving through the desert....the cool thing about being an artist is we can usually not only remember them in our minds but can draw or paint them from our minds. It's pretty snazzy being an artist. You have to enjoy these little things because you sure can't rely on enjoying the tons of money that comes rolling in from being an artist! hahahaha.
This particular one started out as just wanting to paint a sky using Cerulean blue instead of my usual Ultramarine Blue. Gives your sky a nice blue/green look. Throw in some white or slighly yellow clouds and you get an old look to your painting....I'm starting to love that look in my paintings. I threw in some lupine too for the fun of it and to practice suggesting flowering plants in my paintings....can't always be grass you know.
11" X 14" Oil on Canvas
Some details...

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